COVIDSafe video series

We have invited older members from the Indonesian, Sinhala, Mandarin and Cantonese-speaking communities to share their stories & perspectives about living through COVID-19 and their practices of COVIDSafe. The videos are produced around five themes:

  1. Vaccination and booster

  2. Symptoms, testing and care

  3. Reconnect to social lives

  4. Travel and re-exploring Victoria

  5. Community-determined topic

Videos are being produced and rolling out progressively

COVIDSafe: Vaccination & booster

Vaccination and booster - Cantonese

Vaccination and booster - Indonesia

Vaccination and booster - Mandarin

Vaccination and booster - Sinhala

COVIDSafe: symptoms, testing and care

Symptoms, testing and care - Mandarin

Symptoms, testing and care - Indonesian

Symptoms, testing and care - Sinhala

Symptoms, testing and care - Cantonese


Social reconnection - Indonesian

Social reconnection - Sinhala

Social reconnection - Cantonese

Social reconnection - Mandarin


Travel & Reactivating Victoria - Indonesian

Travel & Reactiving Victoria - Cantonese

Travel & Reactiving Victoria - Sinhala

Travel & Reactivating Victoria - Mandarin

Community reflections

Community learning & reflection - Indonesian

Myth buster - Sinhala

Community reflection - Cantonese and Mandarin

Community Ambassadors Videos

These additional videos were produced in early 2023 in response to the spike of COVID cases in mainland China, which caused concerns and distresses to the Chinese communities in Victoria. The four videos, two in Mandarin and two in Cantonese, aim to encourage older Chinese and Asian migrants to become more actively involved sharing their wisdom to the community and spreading the community’s stories to the wider public.

Shirley, who is one of the winners of the Photo Competition, shared her experience of participating the Competition, and living through COVID in VIC

Ada, who won two prices in the Photo Competition and contributed to the COVIDSafe Video series, shared her experience and expertise in photography. She’s been running online photography classes for older Chinese migrants throughout COVID. They are glad to be able to meet in person to learn and take photos together

Catherine, a retired nurse, has found new love in photography, doing volunteering works, and painting. She won a shortlisted price in the Photo Competition and is encouraging other older (Chinese) migrants to become more active in social and community events.

Ms Fung and Ms Ma explained why they participated in the COVIDSafe video series production and, showed us activities in their local senior club since COVID restrictions eased in VIC